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Our Values


Our values. aka - our D.N.A.

We are committed and fully focused on creating a Ripple of positive impact into the Planet & Community we live in. Just like practicing Yoga - the layers of positivity start with a personal impact, going through the body, then the mind and deep into our soul.

Our values are connected & support one another just like the circuit of a DNA cell.

They guide every decision we make, from the design of our products to the way we interact with our community. We strive to create a positive ripple effect, inspiring a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

QUALITY. High-quality : )


It’s time our high quality standards are proudly up front. today, we live in a world where fast fashion, cheap products and mass production have taken away the need for quality and replaced it with “one-time” consumerism. This is so harmful for our planet, minds and souls that we need to take a moment to SLOW DOWN.

prioritizing quality over quantity, at Ripple we’re committed to creating high quality, long lasting and classic designs that are a worthy investment. Keeping a high standard of fabric, sewing, quality check and even the content we create is key to stay loyal to our core values keeping you and the planet healty.




Sustainability remains our core value to produce eco-conscious yoga wear that keeps our planet alive and thriving. But on top of that, sustainability comes with a deeper commitment to maintaining a PPP standard.
Maintaining a full cycle that keeps balancing our present needs with future considerations.

Creating sustainable yoga wear is about considering every step of the way from designing, to fabrics, to pigments, to manufacturing, to your body flow and the garment's afterlife. We are committed to take action on finding the most sustainable journey for every Ripple Yoga Wear we produce.



This is our renewed version for “Fairness”.

As the standard of maintaining fairness with every person on our Ripple journey from farmers, to production, to our models and employers. It is so naturally rooted in our way of life that we feel we’re ready to take it to the next level.

RESPECTING all humans on the back end as well as our customers and the people we do business with. Respecting their needs, differences, culture, body and sharing their positivity with our community. We truly believe that our communities' wellbeing, women's health and body positivity is the path we need to focus on.



Comfort stays our core value and goal for each item we create. It's the organic and healthiest state for us - and what we wish for you.

We want you to be so comfortable that you'll forget about your clothes. We want your every move to feel natural yet supported and cared for. Comfort is more than simply being comfortable, its about the ease of mind and body that comes when all your needs are met. We hope that how you feel in what you wear will ripple through to other places in your life.

We believe in YOU!

You have the power to make a difference and -invest - in sustainable products. 

So thanks for being our partners in CHANGE. One Ripple at a time…


