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2023 Ripple's Year of Reflection

I'mPerfect - 100% wearable flaws

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries on earth, abusing resources and land with a very costly outcome. Basically every step, from designing, to manufacturing and dyeing to actually selling, creates waste, pollution and destruction to a certain degree.

In the past, all fashion brands used dumping or burning methods for items considered second rate, defective or simply extras. Items that didn’t pass the quality check would be stored, burned or dumped - all solutions that don’t go hand in hand with preserving our planet.

The FAST FASHION industry is undergoing a tremendous transformation. Though it’s not enough and quite late, change is here and it’s moving in a very clear direction, that of conscious consumerism. As a fashion brand we have the opportunity to lead the way in our field and be the change we want to see in the world.

Did you ever want to go to the storage room of a store and check the “second rate” section? Well… Now you can.
Introducing -
I’mPerfect - 100% wearable flaws

We have an area in our studio where all the “defected” clothes end-up.
And we started thinking of the terms “second rate” and “defected clothes” and started to really face the question of what is right for us to do with all this “trash”?
When dumping or burning is obviously not an option, how can we avoid creating excess trash or storing perfectly wearable products that people worked hard to create?

And what is perfect anyway?? Is there such a thing as perfection?
Is perfection a thing to strive for? The desirable, the longed-for… that thing you aspire to reach but actually spend too much of your life on the journey towards.
All valuable questions, but at the same time we understand we can’t sell clothes at full price if they didn’t pass our quality checks.

We write about the process, on the importance of perseverance, about accepting ourselves as we are, with our flaws, with everything we see in ourselves that bothers us - so what about our clothes??

We’re a local and international business. We work with small local manufacturers and make sure every step is handmade, and every hand is looked after.
Starting from design and planning, to dyeing, sewing and delivering.
Saying that, we’re a Human-based, women for women brand and like every person, sometimes we make mistakes…

When we reevaluated the clothes that are “imperfect”, it became clear there’s another important aspect to this idea, that of enabling and accessibility.
If we’ll offer our customers the option to purchase imperfect items, we can also give more people the opportunity to enjoy quality, thoughtful, and friendly clothes

As a brand and as women we wish for our clothes, message and belief system to reach as many women across the world. We wish for the feelings that make our clothes, so as the feelings you get wearing them, to touch as many souls as possible.

So now let’s talk specifics. What do we mean practically - what’s the big change?
We will no longer have “Sales” as we’ve used to here on the Ripples website.
Instead, just in time to celebrate Earth Day, we’re opening a new, permanent section on our website

The new section will update regularly according to inventory and will include items with different sorts of imperfections:

The section will be divided into three imperfection discount rates:

25% off - minor imperfections - you won’t find it if we don’t tell you
35% off - small imperfections - it shows but they're still awesome
50% off - not so small imperfections - it’s wearable but you’ll notice it

Farewell items
This section will also present items that will no longer be a part of our collection. With 20%-50% off, it’s time to say goodbye.

We will never betray your trust - all items are 100% wearable and your moving body will get everything it needs.
It’s the same Ripple feeling just with a little flaw.

This feels like a huge step forward, bringing all our values together. We’re putting our words into action and it feels great. Come, join us in this change.

