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Finding Strength Through Movement

2023 Ripple's Year of Reflection

Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim.

“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
– Albert Schweitzer






As yoga teachers and practitioners, and of course, as members of the Ripple Yoga Wear brand, we believe in being the change we want to see in the world. That said, we cannot continue spreading our light, art and message without you, our loyal customers, lovely ambassadors and many other inspiring souls we meet along the way.

On our last trip to Costa Rica, we were blown away by the sheer number of moving, empowering, inspiring, beautiful yoginis concentrated in one place.



Anke, one of those inspiring yoginis we have mentioned above said it best “I feel it is important to feel belonging and joy in this one human experience that we all have”.

Anke is one remarkable woman, the founder and driving force behind Shine-Yoga – mindful Yoga and high vibe retreat. Arrived in Costa Rica in 2005, and has been balancing the fast-pace innovative western life she has back in Hamburg, Germany, and the free-spirited barefoot ocean lifestyle.


“I love both worlds and created this lifestyle to combine the best to strike a balance and thrive. I aspire to inspire more modern, conscious women to do the same”.


Yoga has been a part of Anke’s life since 2003, but, following a life-transforming experience in 2012 she decided to consciously dedicate a big part of her life to Yoga, mindfulness practices and personal development.

She started teaching in 2015, and created a style that derives inspiration from Anusara, Vinyasa Flow and Hatha Tantra Yoga methods, incorporating ancient philosophies and modern spirituality.

“It aims to touch your heart, uplift and inspire. Together we add more meaning to the practice”.



For Anke, yoga is the most amazing way to explore the mind, body, and spirit and create balance with it, and to experience clarity!

“I choose Yoga and mindful experiences as one tool to inspire to live a healthy, balanced and fulfilled life – living authentic to your own truth. Sharing what I know. Sharing who I am. My intention is to serve and elevate others well being”.  


And these are precisely the collaborations we are so grateful for!

Another beautiful and inspiring yogini is Lupe. Lupe was encouraged to explore her passions and interests since childhood. Born and raised in Argentina, she became an art teacher and worked at schools for many years. Parallel to this Lupe studied martial arts, and somewhere along the way got into yoga with the intention of getting to know her body better, and fell in love.



After completing her second 200 hs YTTC, Lupe quit her job at the school she was working at in Argentina, and bought a one-way ticket to Costa Rica, where she has been living for the past 3 years, teaching yoga, surfing, and practicing yoga. One of the important things that yoga has highlighted for Lupe is that she learns and grows by moving her body.



“What yoga brought into my life was more than I was expecting. I learned to see, feel, and embrace my inner and subtle body. I learned about the amazing powers of conscious breathing, and I started to understand how to meditate, how to let go of anything that is not the present moment. My body became my temple and my refuge”.







Lupe compliments her practice with other activities such as surfing and kickboxing.   She also practices yin yoga as a way to bring balance to her life… “It’s all about balance,”  she says, as a joyous grin dresses her beautiful face

To add to the celebration, there was the collaboration with Miriam Adler, who brought a remarkable, powerful feminine energy to our encounter!






Miriam is a Kundalini Yoga instructor and a vulnerability expert, helping people shed layers of limiting beliefs and expectations and unfolding their true beautiful selves.  


"I received specialized training in a wide set of disciplines, each of which offers a piece to the puzzle of releasing shame and fear, achieving vulnerability, and connecting with feminine truth."



Miriam runs retreats as well as online courses to empower the mystical feminine and spread the seeds of softness, harmony and grace.

"I believe that the answers we seek exist within the sacred wisdom of our bodies, and I work to re-attune you to this knowledge."

We are lucky and grateful to, as part of our work and passion, come in contact with such wise and beautiful souls as these!



Anke, Lupe and Miriam are just three of the many examples of how yoga can be a fertile ground for transformation and beauty, encouraging true, honest, pure human connection. And adding to the love and light of this world!

Here at Ripple we are proud to be a part of such connections and strive to keep spreading the love (:

With sincere gratitude and love

Ripple Family.

