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WEAR YOUR FEELINGS - enabling the full expression of YOU!

As The Sun Gently Peeks In Through Your Living Room Window, With Her Rays Softly Caressing The Inner Space Of Your Home, Of What Perhaps Has Been Transformed From A Bedroom Or A Kitchen Into An Office, A Workspace Or A Conference Space. You Open Your Eyes And Sneak Another Few Minutes In Bed, Taking A Sweet Moment For Yourself Before Getting Up To Start Yet Another Workday From Home.  

We know it hasn’t all been sunshine and butterflies and that it hasn’t necessarily been fun or easy! We know it is emotional, and challenging, and stone-cold hard at times. We know - we get it! Because just like you, all of us here at Ripple are on this crazy ride as well.

Many of us, over the past two years, have experienced working from home. Covid came and changed the rules of the game… with whirlwind-like force, it swept away our previous understanding of routine and everyday life. The change has urged us to reevaluate, to adjust, to make mistakes, learn and relearn, tossing some of us far out of our comfort zone.

These layered times have pushed and inspired us to create some new items in light of these new shifts in our lives.  

And so 7 new items were born…  

Joining our Lounge line is the wonderful Lounge Kimono Cardigan and our Wide Leg Lounge Pants in 3 caressing fabrics. New colors have joined our popular classics and have expanded our Criss Cross Bra and Tank Top as well as our Racer Back Bra and Tank Top lines. With a final spice of Unisex Slouchy pants.

We were faced with the challenge of how do we, in this hybrid, filtered, webbed, commercial world - communicate to you the sensation of the fabric? How do we convey to you the feeling of the item and what it is like to wear and move in it? How do we share our customer’s feedback about feeling “at home” in our clothing?

Ripple’s fabrics are known for their ability to enable, for their softness, flexibility, and versatility. Now, all that is left is to communicate to you, the undeniable feeling of allowance that is experienced when you wear Ripple.

And so, we were on a mission to convey this clear and synoptic essence…
All of this comes together on an exquisite photoshoot day that took place in a beautifully designed, most aesthetically naturally decorated private home,walking distance from our studio right here in our home town. The warm, homey location showered us with an allowing atmosphere and brought out the personal touch of each of the women who took part.  


Gil Shaham Amit a woman of earthly measures, owner of Farmacultura - A permaculture farm, restaurant and shop where fresh fruit and vegetables, grown and sourced locally, ethically and ecologically, have become a way of life.  

Gil’s daily life and work is guided by the “3Rs” mantra: Reduce, Repurpose and Recycle, with an inspiring ritual of a weekly Digital Detox. Every Tuesday Gil disconnects from all digital and electronic devices, nourishing herself with a pocket of sacred space that allows for inner reflection that is often overlooked in our fast pace daily routine. Technology is so intertwined within our daily lives that we may be unaware of the tremendous planning and effort that is needed on her part to make such a weekly practice possible!

Soft and elegant, Gil was a blooming presence on the photoshoot set, connecting us to the cyclicality of our lives, of the human body and of mother Earth.


A social influencer and positive body image inspirational model, Ray Segev  is a source of power and confidence and a fireball of essence. Until recently, Ray ran a plus size modeling agency, and today she runs the Mentoring Program #ROLEMODELS helping teach others how to radiate in an unignorable presence.

Athletic and diverse, Ray entered the space with an accepting sense of decisiveness that only a woman experienced in determination and perseverance knows how to bring forth from the inside out. While Ray makes it look so natural, her journey towards building that internal center is a lifelong one.

It takes a lot of courage to step outside of our comfort zone, to be exposed, to allow ourselves to be seen. To wear our feelings…


With a gentle, undeniable presence, Carmit Josman, Ripple’s Director of Marketing, bravely and elegantly allowed herself to be seen. A bold and inspiring act for the mother of 2 who makes the hectic balancing act of motherhood, career, self care and personal growth look like a graceful ballet number. With a spiffy, witty sense of humor, inspiring and beautiful in her agreement to allow her internal storm to rage on without stopping her from being in front of the camera, Carmit glowed with the essence of allowance and showered all involved with the undeniable wisdom of allowing things to be.  


For the charismatic, classic and elegant Roni Shalom, Ripple’s Head of Customer Service, the time in front of the camera is hers and hers alone- her time to focus on herself! Roni is dedicated to her family and is devoted to her role here at Ripple. She takes every customer communication to heart, for she understands the concept of devotion, juggling many balls up in the air at any given time, taking time for herself is an active practice for Roni, and it doesn’t always come easy. She loves the world of fashion and “esthetic” is her middle name. Glowing with the joy of a woman who is pampering herself with something she loves, Roni radiates comfort and playfulness.


Wherever you are, and however you feel right now, exactly as is, YOU are the inspiration behind this new line. For we strive to enable you to be all that you are, feel all that you feel and experience all that you do comfortably and freely.


Wear yourself out there - We’ve got you covered!

