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Lior's Moment

Meet Lior Assayag,

27 years old, yoga teacher and Chinese medicine student, passionate about surfing and a dedicated environmental activist.

"Ecology has been important to me for as long as I can remember. Most of the time, when I go to the sea,
I get sad and angry seeing the amount of garbage floating around. I see it as a reflection of the grim state
the earth has come to. I would like to think that people will see this text, my pictures, my words, and will be
motivated to get up and do something about it. I want to shake people out of the indifference to the complex
ecological situation we’re in."

Lior's Moment

"In the water the city noises disappear. I can hear the waves and the sea and I can hear my heart beats.
I can feel a connection with the sea, we synchronize, we become one. I feel alive, present and serene.
There is something in the water that keeps me grounded in the moment, focused on paddling, anticipating
the next wave, always ready to go."

Lior & Ripple

Lior’s moment brought connection to her true essence, and as part of our Ripple family we always aspire to connect with the true nature of each of us.
Lior shared with us the time she was an instructor in the ‘Hagal Sheli’ (My Wave) foundation and from the spark in her eyes it was clear this is a magical project.

‘Hagal Sheli’ took the idea of surfing, and through this platform, they teach at-risk teenagers and kids how to overcome difficulties.
This tool, the sea, with the help of ‘Hagal Sheli’, is simply making magic. All the educational systems report a huge difference in the way kids conduct themselves. They go back to school more focused, more at ease, and more available for learning, knowing how to deal with failure, and knowing how to reach success.

The project touched us so deeply that we contacted the foundation and suggested we contribute our part to their blessed endeavor.
So from today till Saturday (June 5th) , Ripple is donating 10% of all purchases made to ‘Hagal Sheli’ (My Wave) foundation.

(for more info click the video at the bottom of the post)

Lior's Choice

"I have always felt a strong connection to the body.
When I experience something through the body,
it becomes extremely powerful, leaves a mark in my soul, burns it in memory, touch and emotion.

My relationship with the sea, through surfing, is the same.
In the sea I discharge tension, I get a boost of joy, I overcome fears, and I delight in meeting new sides of me and of life."

Lior Assayag

