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2023 Ripple's Year of Reflection

Meet the Ripple Team: Maya & Gal

Over the past few months, we have shared with you our values, our vision, and the soul behind our creations. Finally, we are thrilled to introduce to you the heart that keeps Ripple beating, our wonderful team!




We are a team of 10 women! Yes, 10 magnificent, motivated, inspiring women, with a spectrum of personalities, temperaments, and life experiences, who together create a spectacle of light, color, flavor and texture.


Over the next several weeks we will bring forward our girls, their stories and their role within the Ripple family. Here we are, inviting you further into our world with this “Pleased to meet you” share.

Starting off with our most veteran employee, a ball of energy and wit, a yoga and pilates instructor with a rolling sense of humor, Gal.



Gal (which is the Hebrew word for wave) began her journey with Ripple over three years ago as a temporary worker who accompanied Adva to represent Ripple at the International Yoga Festival here in Israel. At the time, our studio was located in another, much smaller space, and Gal went on to help Ripple move into the studio we are at today.


The 29 year old teaches movement at numerous high-tech companies, traveling between offices and conference rooms, increasing accessibility around posture and body awareness. Gal adds a twist of rehabilitation to her instruction, tailoring the movement and her teachings to the lifestyle and ability of her students.

Since Gal has joined the team, she has become a dedicated ambassador, holding Ripple sales on her own accord at various yoga courses and events she participates in. Gal’s hand can be found in many corners of the studio, packing, organizing, participating in brainstorming and trying new designs. Yet, much of Gal’s focus is directed towards quality control.

We, here at Ripple, spend a lot of time and effort to ensure that you get the highest quality products! This means that every single item goes through a series of quality checks to ensure it is up to the highest standard.

We examine the overall garment, checking the elasticity, double-checking the seams to ensure strong even stitching, we also check the cuffs and examine the coloring of the fabric. The quality control itself is of the highest importance to us, which is why we all partake in it and perform it meticulously.





When asked why she likes working at Ripple a smile spread across her face, and a short and precise answer rolled out

“The people! I feel comfortable to be myself here, I feel supported and accepted. We encourage one another, we work well together and understand that as we empower one another in and out of the studio we become stronger both as individuals and as a team”.



Gal likes wearing Ripple clothes because to her, it feels good to wear all the intention, thought, and preparation that went into the garment.

“The clothes are comfortable to practice in as well as versatile, I don’t have to fuss and constantly fix and correct them and they compliment my figure and make me feel at ease”.

Gal chose to be photographed in the Viscose Sleeveless Wrap Dress 

“I love wearing this dress to work, it’s light, simple and flattering. I spend most of my day in yoga clothes, so this dress makes me feel dressy in a breeze, for it is so easy and fun to get in and out of. It’s just a lively comfortable piece that allows me to move freely and comfortably with style”

So beautifully framed together with Gal, is the newest member of the Ripple team, Maya.




Maya started dancing at the age of 5, and today, in addition to dancing, pilates and yoga have been added to her movement repertoire.


Maya's main area of responsibility is quality control, but this nimble little elf who just recently came to our studio learned everything so quickly and accurately that she quickly expanded to do more things and take on more responsibility.


The 28 year old Marine Biology graduate brought a breeze of fresh air into the studio when she joined our team almost 3 months ago, as she humbly re-arranged our entire collection to increase effectiveness in our packing system.

The path through which Maya came to work at Ripple is one lined with serendipity. We were looking for the next addition to our team when one of Adva’s friends recommended the wonderful Maya. At the same time, one of our other team members suggested Maya as well, only at the time we didn’t realize the two roads led to the same person. In retrospect, we joke that it was a sign, Maya fit right in and quickly became a loved and cherished member of the Ripple family.

One of Maya’s biggest loves is traveling, and prior to starting working here with us, she was busy doing just that.

Maya describes her first day here at the studio: “I walked into a big bright space, my eyes were flooded by shelves full of colorful clothing. There were 9 women, chatting and laughing while each was busy doing her own thing”.  

Maya admits that the sight was a little intimidating at first, but with her own special rhythm and grace, Maya merged right into the heart of the intricate energetic dance we have here at the studio.




We asked Maya what she liked about working at Ripple, her answer moved us:

“It's hard for me to choose one thing I love the most in my job because what I like about it is the diversity it allows, there is much to do and the work is dynamic and varied”. 

Pausing to think for a moment, Maya added:

“There is a sense of family here at Ripple, an accepting and supportive atmosphere. There is something about an all-female space that allows for a special kind of interaction. We make space for one another, no matter what mood we show up with or what is going on in our personal lives”.

Maya’s favorite piece is the Organic Cotton Short Yoga Jumpsuit.

“It is the perfect item for any kind of movement in the world. It is cozy and comfortable, stays in place and I like to wear it for practice, a day out with friends or just errands. It fits like an extension of the body, feels pleasant, and is breathable. And of course, somehow it always looks good on the body no matter how I feel that day, and that makes me happy. In my opinion, The Short Yoga Jumpsuit is just the perfect combo of comfort and style”.

From our most veteran employee to the newest member of the Ripple family, much of what we do here at Ripple is about connection. Connection to the Earth and the resources it gifts us, connection to our bodies and ourselves, and of course, connection to one another! And so, we are honored to share with you how these human and personal connections play a role in creating an honest, transparent, quality product for you, that is showered with love and dedication every step of the way.

Stay tuned, there is more to come (:

The Ripple Family

